Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My first day at the Chazon Children Centre

Hi everyone!
I think I have more time today to write so I'm going to try to explain what I've been doing so far.
Ok... where do I start? I got to Nairobi the 1st of February at 9am, getting the visa was quick but not waiting for my bags that were the last ones coming out...
Victor, Lucy's cousin, and Kamau, Lucy's step brother, were waiting for me and we went to Elizabeth's house, Lucy's sister, to leave all my stuff. Then I spent the whole day in Nairobi with Victor.
To be honest, I found Nairobi very chaotic... loads of people and cars everywhere. You have to be brave to cross the roads because the cars don't stop! I bought a SIM card with Safaricom network: 00254715215343
Then we went back to Elizabeth's house and had dinner with her. Elizabeth and Victor are very nice. I didn't get to spend that much time with Elizabeth because she works as a secretary in a school and after that she goes to college. She's a hardworker! So I just saw her at dinner time. Victor was very helpful, we talked a lot and I asked him loads of questions about Africa and he was curious too about our lives in Spain and Ireland and he asked me questions too.
I spent the night in Nairobi at Elizabeth's place and the next morning Samuel came to pick me up from Molo. On the way to Molo I got to see wild zebras!!! The trip took about 4 hours and finally... I got to Molo!
I met Lucy, she was very welcoming! I'm staying in Samuel and Lucy's house, they are accommodating the house for the volunteers. Lucy told me that in one week we'll have a proper bathroom but... meanwhile... I have to use the letrine and have showers using a bucket :)
Lucy and Samuel have a lovely and beautiful baby called Jamima, she's 1 year old and she keeps climbing the chairs and tables... I think we are going to be good friends!

Today I had an orientation with Lucy, we talked a lot and she explained me how they started the centre. Lucy and Samuel had a restaurant in Molo and they saw that loads of the kids of the streets went in begging for food. They gave them food but they wanted to help them more, so they sold the restaurant and created the centre. With a lot of help of the volunteers that have been coming they are getting more organised and getting more facilities for the centre. I have to say that Lucy and Samuel are my heroes! They work a lot everyday just to give food and education to these kids, they sold their lands and their business just for these kids.

It's been my first day at the CCC today but I just went to know the centre, the teachers and the kids. I went with Lucy after the orientation that we had in the morning. When I arrived to the centre the kids were outside playing. They all run towards me and they all wanted to shake my hand. Then they went to their classes and I went class by class introducing myself and saying hi. The ages go from 3 to 14 and they are a total of 180 kids, the little ones don't speak english... they are starting to learn.

Tomorrow I'm going to Nakuru with Lucy to buy some text books.

I'm still settling down. I still can't explain how I felt when I saw the centre, the kids and everything Samuel and Lucy are doing for them. I was so moved while Lucy was showing me everything and telling me some stories of the kids and knowing what they are doing for them that I was nearly crying...

I gotta go now. I hope I can update this soon!

Take care!!!


  1. How exciting to read this all! So many more kids then when I there! That's so incredible! Wish I was there! Hello from Daniel to all! I was nearly crying myself reading your post... I know my role is fundraising and I know I need to keep working hard - and I am - reading your first hand account helps me to keep at the many projects with new vigor even :)

    Sam and Lucy are true heroes and your so lucky to be there... hopefully you'll get to spend some time at Mary's too (Lucy'd Mom's place) she the one working with the AIDS victims) - I'm sure they'll want you to attend there church (Lucy has an incredible singing voice!).

    Please be sure that you also attend the catholic church at least once!!! With Mary. What a wonderful experience that was - the choir and the kids dancing and tribal screams and the congregation singing and dancing - nothing like the American Catholic services!

    Enjoy every moment! It will go so fast!

    daniel :)

  2. Hi Milk!!!! I can see you are very fine! sorry for my english but I'm trying ;) I'm very happy to know about your first day in CCC and I'm very happy too because I understand all you explain in your blog jeje!!!!

    Bé, segueixo en català que ja estic cansada ;) M'encanta el que expliques per ara i ja veig que tot ha de ser molt emotiu no? Bé, jo ja he començat a moure fils, dilluns li vaig dir al meu cap que volia parlar amb ell, dimarts hi vaig parlar i... no hi ha cap problema en agafar-me una setmaneta de vacances enganxada a la semana santa; per tant, en total tindré 17 dies per venir-te a veure. Ja estic nervi!!!! Per tant, tindré vacances del 20/març al 5/abril o bé del 2/abril al 18/abril. Puc escollir quin període, mira't quin et va millor a tu, jo mentres miraré quan surten millor de preu els vols, si vols comenta-li a la Lucy.

    Bé, per ara res més sobre el tema, ja et vaig informant val?
    Per cert, el visat te'l van fer ràpid oi? i que va passar amb les maletes?
    Nena... ja veus de camí cap a Molo i ja veus Zebres salvatges, quin flipe... uy... quantes coses a fer: vacunes, informar-me sobre el lloc, informar-me sobre CCC en fi... et deixo que vaig a començar a moure'm jeje!!!

    Petonets! Cuida't molt i ves informant! A de ser tan increible!!!!

    PD. Nena com he d'afegir els comentaris... vaja ja veig que hauré d'afegir apendre a fer servir el blog a la llista de tasques ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A lot of work to do.
    No worries the children's have already conquered your heart.
    Just enjoy the love they have to give.

  5. me n'alegro de rebre noticies teves tan aviat, creia que tardaries mes en trobar internet.

    Per cert, quina historia la del Samuel and Lucy. D'on sont?

  6. Kalimera! Qué bien saber que estás bien y que todo está empezando con buen pie :) Esperando leer más de tu experiencia y ver alguna foto! Un besazo enorme :)

  7. Hola guapa!!! Que ilusión me hace leer este blog, me encanta lo que haceis, yo tuve la oportunidad de conocer ese lugar (de turismo que no es lo mismo) y sé de que hablas, el olor, la gente y el cielo cargado de estrellas!!!! PILI no podía ser menos, sabía que si tenias la oportunidad te embarcarias en esa experiencia también, me alegro mucho, que envidia!!! en fin Iru que estarás bien acompañada, sigue deiletándonos con tus vivencias. UN BESAZO me alegra saber que estás bien.

  8. Iratxe hola!
    que no sabia que habia que mirar los archivos del blog, lo miraba de vez en cuando y como veia que la pagina principal seguia igual pensaba que no habias podido conseguir internet todavia.
    Que increible todo no? superorganizado y te han acogido superbien, me alegro un monton de que el comienzo haya sido tan bueno, sigue contandonos y pon alguna fotillo cd puedas
    Besos desde Cork, te echamos de menos por aqui

  9. Che,

    More please in English,
    Miss you
