Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hello everyone!

After five years and a half I just left Ireland for good. It was not easy to say goodbye as I'm leaving loads of good friends behind. But I can also say that I'm taking a big amount of nice memories with me.

These five years and a half in Ireland have been great but now it's time to start creating new memories in one of the countries of the motherland: Kenya!

I'll be leaving Barcelona the 31st of January and I'll be arriving in Nairobi the 1st of February. I'm going to spend three months volunteering in the Chazon Children Centre in Molo working with orphan kids. I'm really looking forward to it!

I'm creating this blog in order to keep everyone updated of my life in Kenya but I don't know what kind of internet connection I'll have over there so... I don't promise I'll be updating this very often... :)

I hope you enjoy this blog the same way I'll enjoy my three months in Africa and, please, leave comments! I'll be very happy to read them!

Take care!