Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hello everyone!

After five years and a half I just left Ireland for good. It was not easy to say goodbye as I'm leaving loads of good friends behind. But I can also say that I'm taking a big amount of nice memories with me.

These five years and a half in Ireland have been great but now it's time to start creating new memories in one of the countries of the motherland: Kenya!

I'll be leaving Barcelona the 31st of January and I'll be arriving in Nairobi the 1st of February. I'm going to spend three months volunteering in the Chazon Children Centre in Molo working with orphan kids. I'm really looking forward to it!

I'm creating this blog in order to keep everyone updated of my life in Kenya but I don't know what kind of internet connection I'll have over there so... I don't promise I'll be updating this very often... :)

I hope you enjoy this blog the same way I'll enjoy my three months in Africa and, please, leave comments! I'll be very happy to read them!

Take care!


  1. safe travels :) say hi to zippy, lucy, lucy, samuel, ruth. geoffrey, elazabeth, mary, oh just everyone for me!

  2. When is your leaving party?
    Dinner at my place with Gerard?

  3. We miss you already ;)

    Keep us updated!

  4. have a great time!!! will follow your journey! keep us updated and take a good care of yourself!!!

  5. All the best for your future, enjoy everything you can and see you in Barcelona !
    Marie & Jimmy

  6. Ey!!! It will be interesting to follow your adventures over this blog :) Hope you have a really great experience. Besitos!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hope you can update us quite often!...continue soon

  9. M'encanta!!! molt bona aquesta iniciativa!!! i vaja canvi de Irlanda a Kenya!....molta sort i que ajudis moltíssim durant aquests 3 mesos!!!

    Anna Ibañez.

  10. me lo pongo en favoritos!!
    Dani no dices nada sobre la lengua de los cometarios del blog?? jejeje ;))

  11. Ciao Iratxe everybody will miss you.
    Take care :-)

  12. oh my... I´m sure you´re gonna love KEnya, kids, people, everything...
    I went there last summer (2009) and I´m in love with that country for the rest of my life :)
    take care and lots of photos :)

  13. Seguro que ya nos podrias dar tu primera impresion de aquello!se supone que llevas algo mas de una hora si no ha habido retrasos, so how are you feeling?siempre te echamos de menos por aqui!
    Mil besos amol

  14. Hi Iratxe! I really like this blog. It will be nice to know your experience! Give a lot of kisses to everybody! We miss them too.

  15. Hola!!!!

    Ya me he quitado la txapela y aqui toy escribiendote jejeje...

    Jo... nos tienes que contar que tal el Pais, que tal con los niños, que tal con los directores... Estoy expectante de recibir noticias tuyas...

    Un besote

  16. Hi Iratxe!. I can tell you're going to enjoy this exciting experience as much as you can!. Take a lot of pictures :) and please, keep us posted!

    Take care.

  17. Iratxonaaaaaaa!!
    How is everything going over there?
    Come on, give us some news! How is your place? Hot I guess :)

    No changes over here. Well, The option of emigrating to Australia is fading away little by little... we´ll keep you posted.

    Enjoy your time there!
    We miss you!

  18. Joe... lo que nos cuentas es bastante duro... dinos como podriamos hacer para mandarte dinero para lo de la compra del hotel... quizas podamos aportar algo....

    Aun asi me alegra que nos hayas escrito y saber que estas bien.

    No hace falta que te digamos que te echamos de menos, no??????? ;)

    Por cierto adivinas que perdi ayer??????? jajaja si si... lo que estas pensando... que desastre!

    Un muxu

  19. Tal y como anda la cosa Andere y Jon se nos quedan en Cork y tu tambien vuelves:)...yo sigo en las mismas.

    Es duro lo que cuentas, supongo que se sentira mucha impotencia, pero vamos que cualquier cosa que podamos hacer desde aqui tu solo comentala.

    Besitos....voy a ver si te escribo algo mas extenso y te cuento cari.

    Mil besos

    PD: Por el cumple no te preocupes para nada. Mañana es el de Andere:)

  20. Iratxe, I like to know about you and everyone here in Molo. And the pics are fantastic! Lots of kisses!
